Based on ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) as facilitators to provide a better service in the integral water cycle. Optimised management includes energy efficient processes, continuous monitoring and the detection and prediction of events as decision taking support.

Smart services give users greater transparency in the water service, increasing their knowledge of the processes and their awareness of use of water. This working area includes projects in which:

  • Sensors and gauges are used to collect and analyse large amounts of information, detecting leaks and optimising treatments (
  • Advanced analyses and algorithms are applied for taking the best possible decision for any event, whether or not planned (Takadu, Cognitive analytics with IBM Liquid Gold)
  • New technologies are incorporated that contribute to the modernisation of the service provided for improving the public's quality-of-life (Smart Santander)
  • Systems are developed for the management of and communication with customers, making them an active part of the process (Smart App)

Ongoing Project


H2020 Rewaise   Icono del enlace a la pagina principal del proyecto

Resilient Water Innovation for Smart Economy.

Closed Project



Water monitoring system in real time with smart technology.

FP7 UrbanWater     

Intelligent urban water management system.


Integrated research on sustainable islands.

MEC Predictive Maintenance   

Predictive maintenance based on condition.


Integrated processes for monitoring and treatment of emerging contaminants for water reuse.


Display of the challenges for the intelligent use of water in hyper-connected environments.

Life Icirbus4industries     

Innovative circular businesses on energy, water, fertilizer & construction industries towards a greener regional economy.

H2020 Run4Life      

Recovery and Utilization of Nutrients for low impact fertilizer.