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Aqualia teams up with the 'Empowering Women’s Talent' programme


Aqualia teams up with the 'Empowering Women’s Talent' programme

Empowering Women's Talent is an initiative created by the human resources portal Equipos&Talento (Teams & Talent) that seeks to promote women's empowerment and leadership

Aqualia has endorsed the initiative, which aims to create a space for synergies so that companies can share experiences and work together to advance towards diversity, equity and professional inclusion

Holding the Equality in the Workplace Distinction from the Ministry of Equality since 2010, the company has been pioneering the application of equality plans in the water management sector and is the sector's first company to be certified by AENOR in the achievement of the SDGs

Aqualia teams up with the 'Empowering Women’s Talent' programme

The human resources portal Equipos&Talento has recognised Aqualia's commitment to female talent and diversity, awarding the company the Empowering Women's Talent seal. This business programme focuses on women's empowerment and leadership and aims to create synergies to share experiences that will help to learn and be inspired by gender diversity.

The Empowering Women's Talent programme also includes the Women's Talent Day, an event that showcases the best practices of companies in terms of equality and diversity. This event was first held last September, bringing together nearly 30 women who shared their experiences in contributing to the creation of structures, processes and culture to move towards diversity, equity and inclusion. 

Pioneering Equality in the water management sector

Aqualia actively participates as a member of Empowering Women's Talent, increasing the visibility of its initiatives, promoting female talent, diversity and inclusion. One particularly noteworthy highlight of this participation the agreement between Aqualia and the School of Industrial Organisation (Escuela de Organización Industrial - EOI) concerning collaboration in the High-Potential Women Executive Development Programme. Since 2011, 32 women employees of the company have attended the course, which aims to promote the professional development of high-potential women and thus contribute, on an equal basis, to the development of the organisation. This is all carried out through multidisciplinary training sessions that are both face-to-face and online, and personalised coaching geared towards strengthening the participants' managerial skills.

The company also develops and participates in equality and diversity awareness initiatives. Accordingly, 1,960 individuals received awareness-raising on diversity, equity and inclusion in 2021. Following suit, Aqualia recently renewed its engagement in the #CEOPorlaDiversidad (CEOs for Diversity) Alliance and retains its membership in the Diversity Charter, which it joined in 2018.

Aqualia is a pioneering company in implementing equality plans in the water management sector. The company recently announced its third Equality Plan, setting out the objectives and lines of action that will guide its activity in this area until 2025. Such a positioning has earned the company official recognition, including the Equality in the Workplace Distinction from the Ministry of Equality, which is only awarded to companies that are genuinely committed to equality, and which Aqualia also renewed last year until 2023. 

Aqualia also holds the Family-Friendly Company (Empresa Familiarmente Responsable - EFR) seal. The company became the first national water utility operator to achieve this seal back in 2017. As part of this framework, measures are put in place to promote a work-life balance for both male and female employees so that they do not miss out on opportunities for promotion, access to training, and other aspects. Specialised work-life balance training is regularly scheduled to help disseminate this message. 

For Aqualia, the sector's first company to be certified by AENOR for achieving the SDGs, water is vital for development and can be a driving force for change to promote a fairer and more equitable society, the main challenge of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.