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Aqualia y Cáritas, esta Navidad, más cerca que nunca


Aqualia and Caritas, this Christmas, closer than ever

We have always been there behind the water used  at home, present every day in millions of households , guaranteeing the best service. This is how Aqualia takes care of people, being very close, without being noticed. And nowadays too as always.

Aqualia and Caritas, this Christmas, closer than ever

Caritas and Aqualia have shared for years the a commitment to protect the most vulnerable. This year, with the health crisis we are suffering, Aqualia joins Caritas, collaborating with the social emergency fund that aims to alleviate the devastating effect of the coronavirus, both health, social and economic, helping 250 households. 

The lines of action of this fund focus on priority attention and accompaniment of senior citizens, homeless people and families in a situation of vulnerability for whom economic, material and human resources are necessary.

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Aqualia's collaboration with Caritas is part of the company's commitment to create alliances with other entities and associations in order to jointly face the challenges of the water sector and the societies in which it operates, within the framework of its corporate social responsibility and in line with the Be aqualia project, specifically in the Be Comunidad action line.

Aqualia's vision is to be a healthy organisation, committed and recognised for the health, wellbeing, happiness, commitment and productivity of its employees. And also to be a company in which work, personal and family development reaches the highest levels.

An organisation with the capacity to attract talent, for different people and in equal opportunities, offering quality work in fair and advantageous conditions, guided by leaders who generate confidence and commitment to the values and the principles of the company.