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Aqualia se adjudica tres contratos para la gestión del agua a 90.000 habitantes en la Île-de-France


Aqualia is awarded three contracts to manage water for 90,000 inhabitants in the Ile-de-France region

  • These concession contracts, the largest of their kind awarded in France to a foreign company, were awarded to SEFO, a local company acquired by Aqualia in 2019.
  • The main contract, awarded by the supra-municipal entity, Communaute Urbaine GPSEO (Grand Paris Seine&Oise), includes the management for 6 years of the supply of 16 municipalities and a total population of around 64,000 inhabitants in the department of Yvelines, in the Ile-de-France region. It represents a business portfolio of 30 million euros.
  • These contracts are testimony to Aqualia's commitment to the French market since it entered back in 2019 with the purchase of local company SPIE, drawing on its international experience to become a leading player in urban water management in France
Aqualia is awarded three contracts to manage water for 90,000 inhabitants in the Ile-de-France region

Aqualia - SEFO (AQUALIA group) has just been awarded the water supply management of 16 municipalities around Mantes-la-Ville in the Yvelines department located in the Île-de-France region, very close to Paris.

This award includes the concession -for 6 years and for an amount verging on EUR 30 million- to supply drinking water to the municipalities of Mantes-la-Ville, Guerville, Auffreville-Brasseuil, Vert, Flacourt, Aubergenville (where the GPSEO client's headquarters are located), Aulnaysur-Mauldre, la Falaise, Nezel, Epone, Mezieres-sur-Seine, Goussonville, Boinville-en-mantois, Jumeauville, Arnouville-les -Mantes, Hargeville and Flins-sur-Seine.

Under this management contract, which had previously been awarded to Suez (11 municipalities) and Veolia (5 municipalities), Aqualia undertakes to build a decarbonation facility within a maximum period of 14 months and implement an innovative project for remote meter reading during the first year of concession.

Added to this contract is the concession, also by GPSEO, to provide sanitation for the Carrieres sous-Poissy area, with six municipalities and more than 20,000 inhabitants in total (Carrieres sous-Poissy, Aulnay-sur-Mauldre, La Falaise, Nezel, Juziers and Vaux-sur seine), and to manage the sewage networks and the treatment plant for the Syndicat Intercommunal de Collecte et de Traitement des Eaux Usées du Bassin du Sausseron (SICTEUB) formed by four municipalities in Val d`Oise, north of Île de France. 

These contracts are testimony to Aqualia's commitment to the French market since it entered back in 2019 and its strategy to bring its global developments closer to the local sphere by becoming fully engaged in the territories where it operates. 

The awards show how much trust GPSEO -the largest communauté urbaine in France, which coordinates the municipal services of more than 400,000 inhabitants- has placed in the company's technical and management capabilities.

In the last three years, Aqualia has combined its global experience -gained from the 17 countries where it operates- with the deep roots that the company SEFO has been putting down in the local territory over the decades to become a leading player in France.

Aqualia is a world leader in managing water services

Aqualia is the water management company owned by the citizen services group FCC (51%) and by the Australian ethical fund IFM Investors (49%). The company is Europe's fourth largest water management company and the world's ninth largest in terms of population served according to the latest Global Water Intelligence ranking.

It currently provides services to over 30 million users in 17 countries: Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Spain, France, Italy, Mexico, Oman, Portugal, Qatar, Czech Republic, Romania and Tunisia. The company reported EUR 1.19 billion in revenue in 2020, with an order back log of over EUR 15 billion.