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Sosteniblómetro: a test to help guide you in making your daily habits more sustainable


Sosteniblómetro: a test to help guide you in making your daily habits more sustainable

  • A simple 10-question tool that measures the sustainability of your daily behaviours and habits 
  • You can measure your sustainability level by logging on to www.elprimerretodelañ and post your results on Twitter with the hashtag #Sosteniblómetro (Sustainability Meter)
  • The Aqualia initiative aims to raise public awareness of the importance of adopting simple daily habits that have a positive impact on the environment and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations



The climate crisis has accelerated in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and, as the United Nations points out, humanity is partly responsible for the devastating and extreme weather events occurring across the planet as a result of global warming. Concern about environmental issues is growing among young people, who have already coined the term "climate anxiety" or "eco-anxiety" to refer to the stress caused by the fear of an environmental catastrophe.
A substantial part of the solution to this problem lies in our hands, through simple actions that contribute to improving the health of our planet by reducing, preventing or mitigating climate change. But are we really as sustainable as we think we are, and are you willing to gauge your level of sustainability? 

You can now check your level of sustainability with a simple test of 10 easy questions about your daily habits. Just go to www.elprimerretodelañ The "Sustainability Meter" results will let you know how sustainable your habits really are (needs improvement, acceptable, sustainable or super-sustainable). 
This action is a way for Aqualia to invite the public to reflect on the importance of eradicating certain everyday behaviours that are unsustainable. The campaign instead invites people to adopt alternative behaviours that have a positive impact on the environment, save water and/or energy and contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The first sustainable behaviour meter 

Most of the questions focus on how we use water: Do you take showers instead of baths? Do you use the ECO programme on your appliances? Do you have water flow restrictors on your taps? There are approximately 70 questions that will randomly appear in each test in groups of 10. A higher level of "sustainability" increases the accumulated number of sustainability points. 

Aqualia intends to use this initiative to show how the sum of many small daily habits can achieve extraordinary results and have a positive impact on our immediate environment.

Water is central to development and can be a driver of change for a more just society, the main challenge of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As the first company in the sector to be AENOR-certified for achieving the SDGs, Aqualia urges us all to take a step further and move towards a more sustainable future. 

Are you with us?