JRU Aquatim
Sustainable future through a circular, efficient, safe, and resilient water cycle
PARTNERS: CETIM, Aqualia y Trainasa
REFERENCE: IN853A2022/05
TOTAL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT: 2.002.016,51 euros
FUNDING: 800.806,61 euros
The AQUATIM Joint Research Unit (JRU) has the general objective of responding to the current challenges of society, through the study and implementation of new technologies throughout the entire water cycle. Innovation, development of new circular economy models and digitalization are key factor to obtain new sources of green energy (H2 and biogas), new natural resources and efficient use of them (nutrients, metals, and water). Likewise, it includes the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity through nature-based solutions (NbS), the development of new digital technologies (sensors, traceability, models, and predictive systems) and the introduction of improvement actions to ensure quality. of the bodies of water
Lines of research
- Green hydrogen from water as a key element towards decarbonization
- NBS and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) for the efficient management of the water cycle and adaptation to climate change
- Circular economy of water for a sustainable efficiency of resources
- Quality of water masses to guarantee their safe use and the protection of ecosystems
- Digitization of the integral water cycle
- Integration and validation of technologies
The actions carried out by the "AQUATIM" Joint Research Unit are fundeb by the Agencia Gallega de Innovación within the framework of the 2022 call for the Joint Research Units Program.