Innovation and environmental care

  • Maintain our commitment to innovation and new technologies.
  • Engagement to care for the environment and fight against climate change.
  • Commit to sustainable development with measures to prevent and reduce environmental impact.
  • Sensitise society regarding the importance of responsible water use.

Innovation in the water cycle

La innovación es clave en el sector del agua, que debe hacer frente a los requerimientos normativos impulsando proyectos relacionados con la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías a la gestión del ciclo integral del agua, a su uso y reutilización...

  • 20


    Active RD&i projects

  • 4.100.302 €

    4.100.302 €

    Direct RD&i investment

  • 10



Environmental impact management

  • 426.479 t.

    426.479 t.

    Emisiones de CO2 del ciclo integral

  • 3.347.591 GJ

    3.347.591 GJ

    Consumed electricity

  • 177.460 GJ

    177.460 GJ

    Produced renewable energy

Energy and climate change management strategy
Environmental respect and protection
Energy resource management efficiency
Economic efficiency in the application of energy

Circular economy approach

  • 840.340.866 m3

    840.340.866 m3

    de agua captada para la gestión

  • Efficiency


    Comprehensive water cycle efficiency

  • Innovation


    Wastewater treatment and reuse through innovative solutions