Page 14 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 14


          Efficient comprehensive

          water cycle management

            +22 million                68,529 km               634,890,955 m        3              22

                inhabitants                managed                  drinking water
             served worldwide              networks                   produced                   countries

         Aqualia is Europe’s fourth          Aqualia’s corporate purpose
         largest private water company       is to obtain and adapt water
         in terms of population served       for human consumption
         and ranks among the top ten         according to strict quality
         worldwide1. We’ve achieved          controls, and the distribution
         this by rendering full service      and subsequent treatment                 The company’s main
         capable of providing solutions      of that water to return it to                activity is the
         that satisfy the needs of           nature in the appropriate                    management
         public and private entities         quantity and quality                      of municipal water
         and organisations throughout        levels with an efficient                       services.
         all phases of the water cycle,      and sustainable use of the
         regardless of whether the           resources and materials
         purpose is for human,               employed throughout the
         farming or industrial use.          process.                            1. Global Water Intelligence (GWI) 2017.


                                      PURIFICATION                     TREATMENT
                                       AND REUSE

                                   SANITATION                               STORAGE

                                               CUSTOMER        DISTRIBUTION

                                                                                                  2017 REPORT
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