Page 4 - RSC Aqualia 2017
P. 4

Message from the CEO

                A new age

                 At Aqualia, we are aware that we are living in    public-private partnerships that have reported and
                a new age, one in which everything changes         continue reporting benefits for citizens in different
                incredibly quickly. As such, every organisation    parts of the world.
                must rapidly identify and address these essential
                issues as a condition for survival. In this regard,   In this edition of our Corporate Social
                Aqualia’s twelfth Corporate Social Responsibility   Responsibility Report, we intend to show our
                Report explains how the company that I manage      real commitment to citizens. The following
                has identified its priorities and taken steps      pages contain the main economic, social and
                throughout 2017 to rise up to the challenge of     environmental milestones that we’ve reached.
                helping achieve the 17 Sustainable Development
                Goals (SDG) that the UN has set for 2030.          The world-renowned newspaper, the Financial
                                                                   Times, in partnership with the International
                We believe that ethics and transparency based      Finance Corporation (IFC), has acknowledged this
                on actions instead of words are critical for our   commitment through selecting one of Aqualia´s
                everyday operations from the added value           flagship projects, the New Cairo Wastewater
                perspective: managing the water service for        Treatment Plant in Egypt, as a finalist in its
                over 22.5 million people worldwide. We will have   Transformational Business Awards.
                succeeded when the citizens for whom we serve
                feel proud of our work, share our values and       In addition, this project was chosen by the United
                join our efforts to achieve the United Nations’    Nations to elaborate a Public-Private Partnership
                Sustainable Development Goals. In recent years,    reference Case Study, which can be downloaded
                terms such as re-municipalisation, globalisation   from the United Nations Economic Commission
                and marketization have tested the limits of the    for Europe website. The results of this study have

                                                                                                  2017 REPORT
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